Color Run Event: Creative Idea for Pure Coloured Fun

A color run is a wonderful 5k fun race that begins in waves every fifteen to twenty minutes with color stations at each kilometer. And at the end, runners in white have been sprayed a variety of colors. These themed races keep participants motivated till the end.

Colored-Powder Races Looks Like ‘Hindu Holi Festival’

Color run resembles like Holi Gulal Hindu Festival that is celebrated each year in India, where different colors are thrown into the air. People usually spend their entire day by smearing powders at each other’s faces, have parties, make mouth-watering dishes, wear new clothes, send a gift to loved ones, and dance under water sprinklers. These events see not only Indians but also people around the globe took part with the same enthusiasm and gusto.

Holi is also considered as ‘cupid festival’ because the lovers usually color each other faces with the same color to signify their ‘love’. But it’s amazing to note that these two festivals happen on the same months where thousands of runners pre-book to participate. So it’s clear that there is hardly any difference between the two.

Running through Clouds of Colored Powders Create Happiness and Lasting Memories

‘Color run’ is one of the most famous events for pure coloured fun. It has attracted new, casual, or serious joggers from the past few years. There is also music, dancing yummy snacks and a lot of fun. It actually provides an excellent framework for people to mix up and have fun regardless of their caste, creed, and religion. It means that this fun competition encourages healthy living and more active lifestyle. Honestly, this colorful event seems like a lot of fun, but it’s too risky for people with dust allergies or asthma.

What Exactly is That Powder Made Of?

Colored powder that is thrown during these races is actually made using cornstarch and FDA-approved food dye. This shiny powder is 100% safe and mainly thrown on the lower half of the body. Colour Powder Australia offer a wide variety of natural packets coloured powder depending on the needs of customers.

Read More: Make Your Color Festival more colorful with Holi Gulal Powder

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